Architecture Handbook
Beautiful Mountain Homes Design Guidelines & Improvement Requirements
Martis Camp, Lake Tahoe, California
1 - Preface
1.1 Architecture Review Principles
1.2 Elements of Composition
1.3 Architecture Review Process
1.4 Notices
2 - Site
2.1 Combined Property Heated Floor Area
2.2 Guest Houses & Accessory Structures
2.3 Site Analysis
2.4 Landscape Design Considerations
2.5 Landscape & Hardscape
2.6 Protection of Trees, Rocks & other Natural Features
2.7 Building Envelopes & Easements
2.8 Driveways
2.9 Best Management Practices
2.10 Grading
2.11 Coverage
2.12 Topography
3 - Structure
3.1 Style, Order & Proportion
3.2 Building Area
3.3 Building Height
3.4 Materials & Colors
3.5 Accessory Structures
3.6 Garages
3.7 Roofs
3.8 Decks
4 - Detail
4.1 Windows & Skylights
4.2 Fire-Resistive Construction
4.3 Refuse
4.4 Sports Courts, Pools & Spas
4.5 Lighting
4.6 Fences & Site Walls
4.7 Fireplaces & Fire Pits
4.8 Mechanical Equipment
4.9 Entry Gates & Address Markers
5 - Construction Regulations
5.1 Vehicle Access
5.2 Traffic/Parking
5.3 Equipment Operations & Parking
5.4 Material Deliveries
5.5 Construction Debris
5.6 Concrete Waste Management
5.7 Excavating, Excess Material & Blasting
5.8 Archaeological & Paleontological Resources
5.9 Dust & Noise
5.10 Temporary Power
5.11 Work Hours
5.12 Temporary Toilets
5.13 Alcohol, Controlled Substances & Firearms
5.14 Fires, Flammable Materials & Fire Extinguishers
5.15 Site Visits
5.16 Pets
5.17 Construction Trailers & Materials Storage
5.18 Signs
6 - Construction Procedures
6.1 Orientation
6.2 Pre-Construction Meeting
6.3 Construction Requirements
6.4 Insurance
6.5 Site Preparation
6.6 Compliance Deposit
6.7 Permission To Begin Construction
6.8 Beginning Construction
6.9 Change of Contractor
6.10 Completion of Construction
6.11 Construction Schedules
6.12 Construction Variances
6.13 Observation & Enforcement
6.14 Exterior Materials & Colors
6.15 Change Requests
6.16 Notification of Completion & Final Release
6.17 Conditioned Final Release
7 - Cabin Communities
7.1 Design Considerations
7.2 Site Parameters
7.3 Appropriate Scale
7.4 Review Fee for Cabins
7.5 Speaking of Architects
7.6 Recommended Reading
8 - Beautiful Mountain Homes Photos
9 - Martis Camp Contact (Lake Tahoe, California)
10 - Architects and Designers Contacts
10.1 Kelly and Stone Architects - Colorado (Steamboat Springs), California (Truckee)
10.2 MWA Architects - California (San Francisco, Oakland), Oregon (Portland)
10.3 Mountain Concepts - California (Truckee)
11 - Mountain Homes Builders Contacts
11.1 Greenwood Homes - Nevada (Incline Village)
11.2 Sunco Homes - California (Truckee)
11.3 Rinnovo Group - California (El Dorado Hills)
1 - Preface
• Architecture Review Principles
• Elements of Composition
• Architecture Review Process
• Notices
1.1 Architecture Review Principles
“No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it.
Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other.”
The homes created in MARTIS CAMP will benefit from the collective design wisdom gained from
hundreds of years of great mountain architecture from around the world. With thoughtful attention
during the design and construction phases—from site planning to massing to creating the detail—
MARTIS CAMP will be the criterion by which all other mountain communities compare.
MARTIS CAMP’s Architecture Review will focus on quality rather than style. Compatibility with
the MARTIS CAMP concept will supplant prescriptive limits on the architecture.
MARTIS CAMP’s architecture will be diverse—within reasonable limits. There will be few absolute
restrictions. Of those absolutes, many will be in response to Placer County’s Conditions of Approval
which are not able to be waived.
Except as required by the Western Martis Valley Community Plan Design Guidelines, there will be no
predetermined range of allowable materials or colors. Rather, each architect will propose a selection
based on what is appropriate for the particular site.
The rugged charm of remarkable mountain architecture can be taken to new heights by way of
exemplary designs responding to current needs while actively recalling the distinguished camp
lifestyles rarely found today.
The illustrations that follow are examples of approvable architecture at MARTIS CAMP.
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Mountain Architectural elements with vertical expression |
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Rugged stone home with simple massing |
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Roof form that holds a blanket of snow |
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Strong, rugged roof forms |
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Simple, bold statement |
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Expressive Mountain Character |
Some properties, screened from off-site views with a dense forest canopy, may accommodate a morevaried
expression of materials and colors than sites which are more visible.
The MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review process depends on a heightened awareness and
responsibility of both Owner and Architect. Inherent to the design freedom afforded by this
approach is the implicit understanding that the reviews will be more subjective rather than the
customary prescriptive approach to compliance.
MARTIS CAMP is intended to inspire Owners and Architects to create exceptionally designed homes.
It will provide Owners an opportunity for expanded individual preferences, provided the resultant
product is one of design excellence. Ultimately, the success of projects will be guided by the
understanding and cooperative working relationships created between all parties involved.
There will be rules. The greatest freedom of architectural expression will be allowed for those
projects which demonstrate the highest qualities of design. Few exceptions will be granted for
poorly-thought-out projects or for homes with principal design features created primarily to be in
compliance with the requirements of this Handbook.
Design review is subjective by nature. With fewer constraints, design review for MARTIS CAMP
will certainly be more subjective than compliance with a pre-determined list of design criteria. The
Architect’s reward for acceptance of this premise is the expanded potential for diverse, but very highquality
design. In return for this freedom of architectural expression, property owners must develop
a full acceptance, a quid pro quo if you will, of the design choices of one’s neighbors at MARTIS
In essence, we are creating a variance for design excellence as compared to traditional methods.
Architects will be expected to execute extremely thoughtful design concepts for their particular
site. The results can be residential architecture of the highest echelon. Much of this work will defy
stylistic labels and therefore would be difficult to achieve under traditional style-based, prescriptive
1.2 Elements of Composition
In the interest of creating the highest level of design integrity for homes at MARTIS CAMP,
each project submitted for review will be evaluated for conformance to the following
Elements of Composition:
1] Site Integration
Each home in MARTIS CAMP must be integrated into its particular setting. This includes proper
location within the setbacks, well thought-out floor plans and exterior massing complementing
existing grades, adequate integration of drainage responding to the existing natural and proposed
future surface water flows and lastly, thoughtful and ecologically-responsible exterior materials.
2] Scale
Homes must be appropriately scaled relative to the size of the property as well as vertical massing
appropriately scaled relative to the site context. In general, the scale for each home shall be as small
as possible while remaining consistent with the Owner’s needs. Homes on heavily forested sites will
allow for greater vertical limits than those in open areas.
3] Proportion
Each design element of the home should have an inherent proportional relationship to that of the
entire structure. This may be created by developing a hierarchy of massing that relates to the
programmatic elements of the home. For example, a Great Room volume should appear hierarchically
dominant over a bedroom suite and a pedestrian Entry may have more emphasis than automobile
storage. This also applies to roofs, windows, doors, fascias, details, posts, entry areas, exterior walls
and site walls. The goal is for all design elements within the home to be in pleasing proportion to
each other and to the composition as a whole.
4] Rhythm
Rhythm refers to design continuity within the project’s massing and detailing. Sometimes this
occurs as regular or harmonious recurrence of overall forms; window and door openings, roof lines,
structural support elements, colors and materials. Architecture should exhibit a discernable rhythm,
including sequence by component size, shape and pattern. Even apparently random patterns can
create pleasing rhythms.
5] Balance
Balance is measured by the overall composition of visual forms; the exterior material placement and
integration, the proportion of window area to wall mass, and the composition of building masses.
6] Color
The use of color that is an integral component of the design and the overall context is extremely
important. Homes designed with consideration for color application from the start will be able
to use more interesting and sophisticated compositions, as compared to designs that have colors
selected at the end of the design process. Within the constraints provided by the Western Martis
Valley Community Plan Design Guidelines, MARTIS CAMP supports the use of color beyond
simplified, end-applied applications. The goal is to create a diversity of color that adds character to
the entire community by complementing the natural setting of the specific site.
7] Texture
Our region’s intense mountain sunlight reflects a great amount of light energy off smooth surfaces,
so a rich and varied palette of textures is needed to minimize the reflectivity of walls and roofs.
Although, overly dramatic texturing must be controlled, as it can be equally disruptive to the visual
environment. Random subtle texturing is preferred to visually-distracting repetitive patterns.
8] Shadow
A vital component of design is the use of shadow. The use of depth in the architectural design
to compensate for the strong sun evident at MARTIS CAMP, is desirable. Without attention to
this element of design, a home may appear to lack compatibility with its context. A transitional
space or architectural feature, such as a covered walkway bridging an interior space to its exterior
counterpart, is a necessary component to augment the visual appeal and livability of the home.
Additionally, depth in door and window openings will add value to the visual quality of the home.
9] Material Integration
Architecture Review does not stipulate specific criteria regarding the allowable type and placement of
exterior materials. Rather it relies on the expertise of the design professional to create solutions that
respond to the needs of the particular site, while complying with the requirements of the Western
Martis Valley Community Plan Design Guidelines. The purpose of this element is to ensure that
in addition to providing the right type and amount of an exterior material, artfulness in overall
composition is also achieved. The combination of textures shall be complementary rather than
competing. Colors shall be compatible and their placement must enhance the other elements of design
integrity such as balance, appropriateness and visual strength.
10] Visual Strength
One of the determinants of a design’s visual strength is how well the structure’s components look and
feel when assembled. A well-composed home that has excelled in all design elements listed here will
have visual strength.
11] Appropriateness
The degree of diversity of individual design expression will be measured against the goals for the
overall character of MARTIS CAMP. Some designs may be deemed inappropriate or incompatible
with these goals and are not necessarily a reflection of the quality of the design. Appropriateness
also applies to all other elements listed here with regard to the components being compatible in scale,
materials, color selection, etc.
12] Artistic Endeavor
This element recognizes that the criteria presented here are not intended to prescribe nor inhibit
the overall artistic quality of a design submission. A design may be exempted from particular
Architecture Review criteria if the design successfully incorporates all other elements contained
herein. The exception must not cause an undue negative impact to neighboring properties or to the
community as a whole.
Creative attention to each of these Elements of Composition marks the difference between a design
which succeeds and tracks efficiently through the MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review process and
one which will likely not be approved.
1.3 Architecture Review Process
The MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review process is intended to be an interactive collaboration
between the Owner, his or her Architect and Architecture Review. This partnership will share a
common goal–the realization of a unique, well-crafted design solution for each property, without
overstepping the reasonable limits afforded by this expanded opportunity for design expression.
Licensed Architects are required for homes in MARTIS CAMP. Should an Owner wish to use
a design professional, who is not licensed to practice architecture, he or she must contact the
Architecture Review office to discuss the selection process in greater detail.
With the reduction of prescriptive mandates, communication between the parties is essential to avoid
unnecessary or costly pursuit of an unacceptable design solution. To that end, MARTIS CAMP will
maintain open-door accessibility for the Architect to test concepts along the way in an informal
setting to assure that each design solution is progressing towards a suitable outcome.
Meetings will not be on a pre-determined schedule, instead they will be held upon request by the
Architect or Owner. The Architect and Owner are welcome to attend meetings during which their
project is being reviewed.
Some of the formalized checkpoints along the way–the Preliminary and Final Design submissions–
may look the same as the traditional process; however, if all parties have done their part, these
reviews become confirmations of a well-communicated concept as it evolves toward construction.
The six phases of the MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review process are summarized as follows:
1] Getting Started
Once an Owner decides to begin the design for a new home at MARTIS CAMP, we want to know.
This informal first conversation may occur over a cup of coffee at the Architecture Review office
or by telephone for the out-of-town Owner. One of the principal goals of the meeting will be to
familiarize Architecture Review with the Owner’s intentions to create a home at MARTIS CAMP
prior to the design process occurring. We may learn the name of the Architect, or if a selection has
not occurred, Architecture Review may help with selection criteria for the Owner to consider in their
2] Orientation & Pre-Design Meeting
This meeting between the Architect and Architecture Review, along with the Owner if desired,
shall occur on site. Specific site constraints will be identified, the Design Review principles will be
reviewed and questions will be addressed. As part of an Architect’s first project in MARTIS CAMP,
part of the meeting’s agenda will include orientation of the Architect to the Architecture Review
process. The topographic survey and site analysis is required at this stage.
3] Concept Review Meeting
This meeting will allow the Architect to present the initial concept for the structures and the site for a
formalized response from Architecture Review prior to development of the design for the Preliminary
Submittal. This step in the process is significant in that it provides a ‘Go’ or a ‘No Go’ based on
conceptual design sketches prior to the expenditure of a great deal of time on a design. The first-half
of the Architecture Review fee is due at this meeting.
4] Preliminary Design Submittal
This will be the most defining checkpoint in the process. It is during Preliminary Design Submittal
that the Architect presents the developed concept representing the accumulated knowledge of site
visits, conceptual reviews, and his or her creative endeavor. Along with the customary drawings
associated with this step in the process, a massing model of the proposed structure and its site are
required. Upon approval, the design is determined and construction drawings may begin. Upon
satisfaction of this phase, Architecture Review will provide the applicant with a “wet stamp” which
will allow for the submittal of plans to Placer County for building permit review.
5] Final Design Submittal
Architecture Review will scan plans ready for construction verifying conformance with the
previously-approved Preliminary Design. Once the Final Design has been approved by Architecture
Review and Placer County has released the Building Permit, the Pre-construction meeting can be
6] Construction Phase
Compliance with the requirements listed in the Construction Procedures and Construction
Regulations section of this Handbook is mandatory. Please see these sections for further details.
The second-half of the Architecture Review fee is due at the beginning of this phase.
Specific checklists for each of the steps listed above should be requested by the Applicant prior to
beginning the review process. Contact Architecture Review for additional information current at the
time of your project.
1.4 Notices
This Architecture Handbook is a resource for the MARTIS CAMP Property Owner and his or her
Architect, Landscape Consultant and Contractor. The Handbook is to be used in conjunction with
other related publications as a guide through the approval process.
The requirements listed in the following pages are the minimum level of design response required
for project approval. It is the goal of Architecture Review, however, to encourage a greater level
of response in the interest of creating an example of the finest mountain retreat architecture in the
References in this document to Architecture Review may refer to the reviewing committee or their
designated representatives.
References to Design Guidelines, Design Review or Design Review Committee or similar language in
other documents shall be construed to mean Architecture Review.
The restrictions noted in the Architecture Handbook do not represent the entirety of design,
construction and use restrictions applicable in MARTIS CAMP. Additional restrictions are also
contained in the CC&Rs, Development Notebook Sheets, the Western Martis Valley Community Plan
Design Guidelines, Placer County Conditions of Approval, Rules & Regulations and the Placer County
Zoning Ordinances and Codes. Many of the above mentioned documents remain subject to change
from time-to-time.
Where reference is made to an ordinance or code being enforced by Placer County, it shall be
understood that the specific limitation referenced is a restriction currently required by Placer County
as of the date of this Handbook. It is the Architect’s responsibility to review, understand and
comply with all applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time your application is submitted to
MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review.
If a term used in the Architecture Handbook is not defined in the Handbook, the definition shall be
the one used in the Governing Documents.
The Architecture Handbook and the Appendices will be updated periodically as additional needs
are identified. As the stipulations included in the Handbook may change from time-to-time, it is the
Architect’s responsibility to ensure their project is in compliance with the most recent version of the
Architecture Handbook at the time of their project’s application.
The Architecture Review fee for Estate parcels is currently $10,000 and for Cabin sites is $6,000. This
amount is subject to change from time-to-time. One-half will be collected at the Pre-Design Meeting;
one-half will be collected at the beginning of construction. Should a project not continue from the
design phase into construction, the second-half of the fee will not be collected. No refund will be
provided on projects that begin, but do not finish one of the two phases.
The requirements noted in this Architecture Handbook shall be considered independent of each
other. Should a particular requirement of this publication be found to be inconsistent with other
requirements or otherwise not applicable, that finding shall not jeopardize the remainder of the
publication’s requirements which shall remain enforceable.
2 - Site
• Combined Property Heated Floor Area
• Guest Houses & Accessory Structures
• Site Analysis
• Landscape Design Considerations
• Landscape & Hardscape
• Protection of Trees, Rocks & other
Natural Features
• Building Envelopes & Easements
• Driveways
• Best Management Practices
• Grading
• Coverage
• Topography
Thoughtful planning can produce a design that will fit into the MARTIS CAMP environment
in such a way that its impact is negligible to neighboring parcels and the MARTIS CAMP
community at large.
Place buildings on properties such that their visual impact on neighboring parcels is minimized. The
most extraordinary designs will be those that assimilate gracefully into a site rather than compete
with the existing landforms and vegetation.
There will be no need to shy away from strong forms or bold statements, but these should not be the
principal generators of the forms.
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Integration with the forest is an essential principle of Martis Camp |
2.1 Combined Property Floor Area
Combining properties results in an additional 6,000 square feet of allowed building area
per added property.
When two or more Estate parcels are combined, allowable floor areas can be adjusted accordingly.
The new allowable floor area for the combined sites shall be the sum of the larger allowable floor area
of the original parcels, plus 6,000 square feet of additional floor area for each adjacent property to be
included in the combined property.
For example, the combination of the two lots which allowed 9,000 square feet each as individual
properties would result in an allowable floor area for the combined sites of 15,000 square feet—9,000
square feet for one property plus 6,000 square feet for the additional property. In like manner,
combination of three parcels would result in an allowance of up to 21,000 square feet.
Cabin sites, when combined, are allowed a maximum heated floor area of no more than 3,250 square
There are no minimum size requirements at Martis Camp.
Floor area means gross floor area, including the total floor area of each floor of all buildings on a
site, including internal circulation [halls, lobbies, stairways, shafts and chases, enclosed porches and
balconies, etc.] storage and equipment space, as measured from the outside faces of exterior walls. If
a space has a sloped ceiling due to structural components, no portion of the room measuring less than
five feet from the finished floor to the finished ceiling shall be included in any computation.
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Maximum floor area for combined properties |
2.2 Guest Houses & Accessory Structures
The benefits of creating compounds of separated structures for Guest Houses and other
accessory structures are multiple. They not only increase the options for property owners
to create discreet environments for separate activities and can reduce the functional
needs for structure, maintenance and cleaning, but perhaps most importantly, they can
reduce the impact of larger structures on the environment. Consider clustering a grouping
of smaller buildings.
Each Estate parcel contains the development opportunity to construct a primary home, a guest house
containing a full kitchen and bathroom and accessory structures as allowed by Placer County. The
combined floor area of structures may not exceed the total permitted for the property as noted in the
individual Development Notebook Sheet.
Placer County limits the floor area of guest houses containing a full kitchen and bathroom on the
basis of property size as follows:
Property Size: Maximum Floor Area:
1.0 acres – 2.29 acres.......................................840 square feet
2.3 acres – 4.59 acres.................................... 1,000 square feet
4.6 acres and above ...................................... 1,200 square feet
The allowances for guest houses are aggregate in the event of a combination of two or more parcels
[lot line abandonment].
Residential accessory uses are permitted as follows:
1] Uses that are customarily part of a single-family dwelling but not limited to swimming pool
houses, workshops, studios, garages and guest houses.
2] Floor area for all residential accessory uses is 1,600 square feet for parcels less than 5 acres.
Floor area for parcels larger than 5 acres is restricted only by building coverage, maximum
building size or as otherwise limited by Placer County Codes, Ordinances and Regulations.
3] Refer to Placer County Ordinances in effect at the time your project is submitted for
additional information on limitations.
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Guest house with an intimate scale |
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Guest house with iconic form |
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Unique guest house of logs and European mountain detailing |
2.3 Site Analysis
Thorough review of a property’s planning considerations can result in an extraordinary
project. Anything less than full attention to these considerations will result in a project
never being what it could be, even with the most-accomplished architectural design.
Visit the site prior to beginning the design process. Consider the local climate and site features—
including the landform, vegetation, rock outcroppings, etc. when planning the architecture,
landscape and hardscape for a property. Plan the programmed uses to respond to the constraints and
opportunities identified in the analysis.
Prior to submitting your Preliminary Design package to Architecture Review, the Owner is required
to secure a geotechnical report provided by a licensed Geotechnical or Civil Engineer.
A thorough understanding of a project site in advance of the design process is strongly encouraged.
Following the recommendations of the geotechnical report in the early part of the design process is
strongly encouraged. Submission of the analysis to Architecture Review is not required.
Contact Architecture Review for items to review and document [solar orientation, topography, views,
vegetation, access, etc.] when conducting the site analysis.
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Site analysis example |
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Example of a Site Views analysis |
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Home responding to Site characteristics |
2.4 Landscape Design Considerations
“… the only source from which the art of landscaping can come is our native landscape.
It cannot be imported from foreign shores and be our own.”
— Jens Jensen
It is important to respect MARTIS CAMP’s sense of place when designing your project’s landscape.
When you see Jeffery Pine surrounded by sagebrush and sulfur flower you know that you are on the
Sierra’s east side. Plants with characteristics fitting to the site should be repeated again and again.
Also, keep in mind that every added structure creates new microclimates that may have been
previously absent from the site. Inspiration for landscaping these sites can be found nearby when
walking along a steep creek bank or by an enormous boulder or under an ancient tree.
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Example landscape plan |
2.5 Landscape & Hardscape
Create welcoming environments for outdoor living with generous areas of well-designed,
distinct spaces for different micro-climates found on the site – sunny, partially-shaded and
fully-shaded hardscape and landscape.
A principal reason for owning a mountain retreat is to provide a time and place for families to spend
together, to enjoy the spectacular settings—whether actively pursuing recreational activities or
sharing a relaxing summer evening on a terrace or lawn.
In pursuit of these goals, provide places for such gatherings. Whether completely developed in the
initial construction phase or reserved for future enhancements, situate each home on its site in such a
way to allow for comfortable interaction in and around these exterior living areas.
Locate landscape and hardscape where full sun, partial sun and full shade or shadow is possible. The
desire for sun in this climate can be dramatically contrary during different times of the day. It is
not unusual to have a 90° afternoon followed by a 30° morning. As such, the most useable exterior
environments will offer a number of options in response.
In planning landscaping for your property at MARTIS CAMP, plan for the following three
landscape zones:
2]Transitional; and
Landscaping in the setbacks will be limited mostly to Natural landscape consisting of pines, firs,
sagebrush, bitterbrush, seed mixes and other naturally existing vegetation of species found growing
on the site prior to development.
Placer County requires that revegetated ground surfaces must replicate natural conditions and is
required in all areas of the site where the native vegetation is not intact—regardless of when or by
whom the area was disturbed. Natural / organic ground cover materials [including pine needles]
protect soil surfaces from erosion, foster natural seed germination and aid in the survival of the new
transplants. Plant composition should include sizes and quantities that would occur on the specific
site were it not disturbed. The goal is to save or recreate a landscape that appears native and flows
seamlessly from one site to the next.
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Natural zone |
The Transitional zone allows the use of a broader range of plant species native to the greater area
but not necessarily found on the project’s property. Aspen trees, while not native to every project
site, may be approved for planting in Transitional zone landscaping.
The Ornamental zone may incorporate showy flowering species including, shrubs, herbaceous
perennials, bulbs, annual color and turf.
Generally, building setbacks will be allowed to contain Natural zone plants and some Transitional
zone plants. No specific limits are stipulated for the Transitional and Ornamental zones beyond
very-restrained use of the Transitional zone plants within building setback limits. Placement of nonindigenous
plants in these zones should appear natural, feathered into the landscape, and should not
delineate setbacks
If landscape plans are not proposed with the project, indicate that all areas of the site will remain in
the existing state and that only Natural zone planting, revegetation seed mixes and pine needles will
be used for ground cover.
Consider the environmental impacts of your proposed landscape plan on the community when
planning and installing plants. Select species that require minimal maintenance [pruning and
spraying] and few resources [water and fertilizers]. Local experience has shown the use of organic
soil management products is effective at promoting growth without the resulting imbalances to the
existing ecosystems. Restore and maintain natural biodiversity when possible.
To ensure the best survival rates, new plantings in the Natural zone require supplemental watering
for two to three years. Irrigation should taper off in the third year with only occasional watering
during July, August and September. Generally, remove irrigation after the third year in the Natural
zone in the interest of maintaining a look replicating the existing conditions.
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Transitional zone |
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Ornamental zone |
The use of low volume, drip irrigation in lieu of traditional rotary or pop-up spray systems will be
required in most landscape portions of the project. Exemptions for areas of turf, when presented in
conjunction with required containment devices, will be allowed.
Site walls are allowable whether defining landscape or hardscape areas or to assist with managing
steep grades. Site walls must be complementary to the architecture’s scale, materials, colors and
textures. Site walls may not be used as a property line or setback line delineator.
Limited amounts of landscape screening may be proposed as long as the screening does not define
property or setback lines.
Also be aware of Truckee Fire Protection District and California Department of Forestry requirements
when assessing your property. Be certain that the species and density of plantings for both existing
conditions and proposed plantings comply with these agency’s regulations for defensible space
surrounding structures.
Prior to beginning any landscape plan, contact Architecture Review to obtain a current landscape
plant list for Natural, Transitional and Ornamental landscape zones, which will be amended from
time to time. Additional information will also be provided on fire resistive planting and suggested
species for screening.
Landscape plans must be reviewed and approved by Architecture Review prior to beginning such
work. Similarly, tree or vegetation removal may only occur with the approval of the Architecture
Review Administrator
2.6 Protection of Trees, Rocks & other Natural Features
Design with, not over or around nature’s elements.
Wherever possible, save and incorporate the existing landforms, rock formations and significant
vegetation in lieu of reshaping or removing them. All of us, in some way, can attribute our
investment in land at MARTIS CAMP to these features. Be a steward of this investment by
maintaining these elements wherever possible.
During the on-site Pre-Design Meeting, identification will be made of existing landforms and
significant vegetation that will be required to be protected and saved during the construction process.
As a result of the Pre-Design Meeting, identify for recording on the Site Plan the limits of a
Construction Zone. All activity, except for access and utility work must be contained within the
fenced Construction Zone as well as outside of the tree protection fencing.
Construction Zone fencing and tree protection fencing must be installed prior to construction in
accordance with BMPs and as shown on the approved plans.
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House preserves natural features of the property by its form |
2.7 Building Envelopes & Easements
To protect everyone’s privacy to the greatest extent possible and in the interest of limiting
the impact of structures on viewsheds, MARTIS CAMP’s properties contain generous
building setbacks.
Building envelopes are defined primarily by the building setback lines. These limits and all
easements across individual properties are specified in the Development Notebook Sheets. Other
property specific constraints such as No Build Zones are identified on the Development Notebook
Sheets to preclude construction in environmentally sensitive areas. Please refer to these documents
for your property’s specific Front, Side and Rear building setback limits as well as all easements and
other design constraints.
Setback encroachments [building into the setback areas] are not allowed per Placer County’s
Conditions of Approval. However, some building activity may occur in easements. For example,
paving for vehicular access may occur in Front Building Setbacks, Multi-Purpose and Snow Storage
Structures are not allowed within easements or building setbacks. This includes not only building
area but also roof overhangs, cantilevered floor areas, porches, balconies, terraces, site walls, etc.
Additional restrictions may be in effect by nature of the Placer County Zoning Ordinances in effect
at the time of your application. Please check not only with MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review but
also with the Placer County Planning, Public Works and Building Departments prior to beginning the
design process for your property.
If approved in advance by Architecture Review, unpaved walking paths may be allowed within
Building Setbacks.
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Property setbacks |
2.8 Driveways
Imagery of the great camps rarely includes evidence of automobiles. When planning your
project at MARTIS CAMP, endeavor to maintain that rural camp feeling by minimizing
the visual impacts of vehicular access and parking.
Where possible, wind the driveway onto the property with gentle turns that respect the existing
landforms and vegetation. This will not only reduce necessary grading and save the larger trees, but
will also add more visual interest to a project.
When two or more properties are combined, two driveway encroachments may be permitted.
Additional driveways [to other parking areas if needed] are encouraged to be connected to one of the
two allowed encroachments from the road. Where there is a clear demonstration that environmental
benefit can be provided by additional access points from the road, they may be considered for
approval by Architecture Review.
Driveway widths are limited to 14 feet for the entire length where they cross the front setback. A
maximum ten-foot radius flair at each side of the driveway may occur at the roadway pavement. The
flair at the road may not cross a line collinear with the neighbor’s property line. Upon demonstration
that it is the correct design response, driveways may encroach into the side setback. Usually this
allowance will be made for reasons of steep grades, vegetation preservation, good engineering practice
or where significant rock outcroppings or other natural features can be preserved as a result. Parking
areas and driveway aprons must be located within the Building envelope, not inside the setback areas.
Limit slopes of driveways at the road and in the area for unloading and near the garage doors to the
minimum required to promote sufficient drainage. If a driveway must be inclined, limit the slope to
12 percent in the area between the three low-slope areas noted above.
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Driveways and guest parking hidden from the street |
2.9 Best Management Practices
Ecologically sound practices in the design, construction and maintenance of our properties
benefits all of us by way of keeping the watershed as healthy tomorrow as it is today.
Provide temporary and permanent Best Management Practices [BMPs] in compliance with Placer
County guidelines for those items required for the construction phase and upon completion of the
As a part of the site and building planning process for the Final Design submittal, provide
engineering calculations for the site’s drainage to accommodate the runoff from all impervious
surfaces for a 20-year / one-hour storm event as defined by the Lahontan Region Water Quality
Control Board.
Provide sumps or galleries for turf areas consistent with accepted engineering practice.
During construction and after the completion of the project, be certain that BMPs are maintained.
Inadequate regular maintenance of such items by the Contractor and Property Owner can produce
ineffective results.
2.10 Grading
Be conscious and considerate of the quantity of landform manipulation. With every cut
and every fill there becomes a need for retaining devices or vegetated slopes. Use these
judiciously where necessary for site access and to create usable areas.
As the initial site planning is beginning, consider the visual and environmental challenges inherent
in re-contouring a site’s existing topography. Exercise restraint in grading plans which involve more
than the minimum necessary grading for a project.
Additionally, be aware of Placer County’s ordinances affecting the seasonal limitations of grading.
Generally, excavation may begin no earlier than May 1 and must be substantially completed no later
than October 15. These dates are subject to change depending on weather conditions at the time.
Check with Architecture Review to confirm these dates every spring and fall.
Regardless of any date extension, keep in mind that all graded slopes and trenches allowing runoff
shall be revegetated or appropriately stabilized no later than October 15 to prevent soil erosion during
the winter.
It is the Contractor’s responsibility to know of and comply with all grading limitations.
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House massing stair steps with topography |
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Grading examples |
2.11 Coverage
Concentrated surface water flows, as a result of impervious coverage, lead to erosion and
sedimentation of water courses. Coverage limits are one way to maintain the flow of surface
water in minimally disturbed patterns.
Impervious coverage is limited to 30% of the property’s gross area. If certain findings of need and
merit are made, then additional impervious coverage may be allowed up to 50% of the property’s
gross area.
Prior to requesting approval of additional coverage, attempt to limit coverage by maintaining
pervious surfaces. Second, mitigate the negative effects of the additional coverage to the greatest
practical extent.
Allowable building coverage for each property is identified on the Development Notebook Sheet.
Please reference these sheets for individual limitations by particular property.
Site coverage is defined as the percentage of the total property area occupied by structures and other
built portions of a project. Examples include, but are not limited to: all buildings, garages, carports,
covered outdoor spaces and other enclosed or covered areas, but does not include eaves, uncovered
decks, paved areas such as walkways, driveways, terraces and other uncovered parking areas. All
areas of coverage are computed at ground level.
2.12 Topography
To minimize environmental impact, grading and construction activity is limited to those
portions of a property with less than a 30% slope.
Grading or building on slopes or over slopes that exceed a 30% gradient are not permitted by
Placer County. Areas of the site exceeding a 30% slope have been preliminarily identified on the
Development Notebook Sheets. Check the Development Notebook Sheets for the areas identified
as No Build Zones and then confirm the exact location on the topographic survey required prior to
beginning design on a project.
Exceptions can be made for small, isolated steep areas of the site and where required for driveway
access, grading or paving or for isolated or incidental areas within flatter, conforming areas of the
Temporary and permanent Best Management Practices are essential on all sites, but even more
important on steep sites.
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Home that steps with the land |
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Site stone used as small retaining walls |
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Retaining walls that are well integrated into the land |
3 - Structure
• Style, Order & Proportion
• Building Area
• Building Height
• Materials & Colors
• Accessory Structures
• Garages
• Roofs
• Decks
The Sierra Nevada mountain range possesses abundant natural attributes which should
influence all design responses for projects within MARTIS CAMP.
Design professionals unaccustomed to working within the limitations imposed by cold weather
and snow must become aware of the needs associated with living year-round in an area once only
inhabited by those seeking summer recreation.
Historically, mountain architecture in this country has ranged from the very simple small cabin to
large, complex chateaus found in the great camps of the east and west. Draw not only from these
domestic examples of great mountain architecture, but also from those found in mountain climates
around the world.
The backdrop of our topography makes for a compelling argument to be complementary in form.
Take clues from these mountainous forms. Attempt to neither replicate, nor stand in stark contrast . .
. rather play with and enhance the environment found at MARTIS CAMP whether with timbers and
slate or sinuous shapes of weathering steel and concrete.
The following images demonstrate various forms that are appropriate for MARTIS CAMP.
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Strong forms and simple composition |
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Articulated shingle style |
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Mountain compositions with a variation of form |
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All stone composition creates timeless quality |
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Low slope roofs help hold snow and minimize visual impact |
3.1 Style, Order & Proportion
There are differing views of the definition of an inviting lodge in the country, but we all
sense the presence of a pleasing cadence in a well designed home. Work on perfecting the
rhythm of the project as it is viewed from offsite.
You will notice a deliberate abridgement of prescriptive limitations contained in this Handbook.
There are no numeric requirements for planar offsets and no requirements for roof slopes. There are
few requirements that would lead to locking MARTIS CAMP projects into a specific time or artistic
style. There is however, a subjectivity that will be present in the review process. The subjectivity
of approvals will be in place not only to provide a minimum level of architectural quality, but also to
allow the best designs to be accommodated.
While no predetermined list of mandated architectural styles will be used to judge the
appropriateness of designs submitted, there will be some expressions of architecture that will very
likely not be allowed—namely Italianate, Egyptian, Regency, Pueblo, Inflatable, etc.
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Style evokes a mountain lodge |
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Strong contemporary elements massed to allow day lighting |
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Tower form juxtaposes traditional roof forms |
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Vertical elements celebrate the majesty of the forest |
3.2 Building Area
Structures should not dominate their sites; rather they should sit gracefully into their
surroundings. Maximum building sizes are based on the character of the property including
determinants such as size, visibility from common areas and the golf course and the extent
of screening vegetation.
Refer to the Development Notebook Sheets for the allowable enclosed building area for an individual
The enclosed area is defined as the square footage of heated floor area measured from outside of
exterior wall to outside of exterior wall. This does not include porches, terraces or decks that are not
fully enclosed, nor unfinished attics, basements or garages. There is no reduction allowed for walls
with low plate heights.
There is no minimum building size. Smaller homes exhibiting exemplary design and detail are
preferred over larger homes which lack thoughtful massing and articulate detailing. Regardless of a
home’s size, it must contain a minimum of two covered parking spaces in order to comply with Martis
Camp’s Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs).
The Development Notebook Sheets define sizes and limitations inherent to individual properties;
however there is no assurance that the maximum building areas noted will be approved on all
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Qualities evoke integration with nature |
3.3 Building Height
Structures should not dominate their site. They should be configured so as to respond to the
site’s features —usually working with, rather than against, the topography.
Building heights for Estate parcels will generally be limited to a maximum of 35 feet above original /
natural grade. At the discretion of Architecture Review, some taller elements of the home may extend
up to 42 feet. Building height for Cabins sites is limited to 28 feet above original / natural grade.
At the discretion of Architecture Review, an element of the structure (such as a tower element or a
vista loft) may extend to a height of 32 feet when tastefully incorporated as a feature element of an
exemplary design. The planar area of such an element will generally be limited to ten percent of the
home’s floor area.
In addition to the requirement to complement the site’s existing features, keep in mind the need for
homes to be scaled to relate well to their occupants.
Building heights will also need to be designed to comply with Placer County Zoning Ordinances.
These calculations currently reference measurements from average grade and do not include chimneys
and other minor appurtenances.
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Example of height measurement |
3.4 Materials & Colors
Architects are required to present exterior materials and colors in a palette designed to
complement the existing landscape found on each property prior to any construction.
The Western Martis Valley Community Plan Design Guidelines require that exterior materials should
generally be natural materials that blend and are compatible with the native landscape of the specific
With this in mind, materials should also be chosen for their ability to age gracefully and require the
least amount of ongoing maintenance possible.
Materials imitating another product will generally not be approved. Examples are non-wood
products embossed to imitate wood such as wood-grained cement fiber board siding or concrete
stamped to imitate stones. Only high quality materials, complementary to the mountain setting
will be approved – plywood or cement board will generally not be approved as primary siding
materials. Stucco may be approved on a case-by-case basis, primarily as an accent material where it is
demonstrated that the application and color are appropriate.
While there are no specific measurable limitations for most properties, for compatibility with the
surroundings, Architects are encouraged to provide a palette of exterior finishes on the darker side
of the spectrum of available choices. White, shiny or extremely contrasting materials and colors will
not be approved. Prior to installation, the approval of all exterior materials applied to the home, is
subject to an onsite review and approval by Architecture Review per Section 6.14.
Interior window coverings facing the outside of the residence shall be of a color that is harmonious
with the finishes used on the exterior of the home and are not permitted to be white or off-white.
Ultimately it is imperative that projects be consistent with the applicable approvals for MARTIS
CAMP, thus homes should complement and blend with the palette of hues and saturation existing on
the property prior to construction.
The following illustrations represent a variety of acceptable materials for MARTIS CAMP.
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Various stone concepts |
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Various siding concepts |
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Various roofing material concepts |
3.5 Accessory Structures
Where possible, split the total square footage into multiple structures. The “ family
compound” is an image that is welcomed at MARTIS CAMP.
Within Placer County’s limits, create projects which spread the total volume of structures among
more than one building. Separate outbuildings such as free-standing garages, guest quarters, in-law
units, pavilions, etc are desired to encourage camp-based compound imagery and to minimize the
impact of singularly-large buildings within MARTIS CAMP.
Small, stand-alone structures are a welcome component in helping to create the family compound.
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Multiple buildings on site |
3.6 Garages
In planning your project, diminish the visual impact of cars at MARTIS CAMP. To
encourage the indoor storage of all vehicles, no limit is placed on vehicle storage space
beyond the limits found on accessory square footage.
Design adequate parking areas—enough to accommodate a minimum of four vehicles off the roadway,
a minimum of two covered spaces.
Unless substantially screened from view by structures, site walls or thick tree cover or for some
compelling other reason, garage doors primarily facing the roadways will not be approved.
Whenever possible, turn the doors away from the street, preferably into an auto court or design the
entrance to the garage cleverly so as not to have a negative impact on the street.
Consider modestly scaled portals into automobile courts such that the garage doors are only apparent
from within. Break rows of numerous garage doors into groupings or separate them so as not to
provide a too-repetitive façade.
When thoughtfully integrated into the remainder of the project’s architecture, covered, but not
enclosed, vehicle storage is preferred over parking vehicles in the open.
Keep in mind that under Placer County’s regulations, free-standing garage buildings must be counted
in the area allowed for accessory structures.
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Side entry garage |
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Garage door minimized by massing |
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Garage door deeply recessed to minimize impact |
3.7 Roofs
Large volumes contained within steep roofs can create overly-heavy massing of homes.
Consider the use of low-pitched slopes to minimize the visual impact of the roof structure.
Steeply-pitched roofs can not only create overly-heavy visual impact, they also add to construction
costs, maintenance costs and can create damage to themselves [in their valleys] and damage to areas
below eaves from the force of shedding snow and ice.
Roofing in a mountain climate is an important consideration for not only its appearance, but also for
the pragmatic issues of resistance to fire, wind, sun, rain, snow and ice. Consider deep overhangs to
divert snow and water away from the building and to reduce the impacts of intense solar exposure.
Design roofing systems with resistance to these elements in mind.
Whether employing steeply-pitched roof structures or something nearly flat, Class A roofing materials
are required to minimize the threat of fire. If using a painted metal roof, it must be a finish specified
as low- or ultra-low gloss [less than 20 units of gloss reflection at an 85° slope] to reduce its reflectance
and a color that complements not only the rest of the home’s materials but also the native landscape of
the specific property on which it is located.
The Architect should, whenever possible, attempt to locate vents on the Roof Plan and design
screening elements (e.g. chase), to disguise large, unsightly mechanical appurtenances. When vents
and flues are required during the course of construction, but not shown on the approved plans, its is
important to ensure that these exposed mechanical and plumbing vents are approved by Architecture
Review prior to their installation.
3.8 Decks
The inclusion of elevated living spaces for outdoor enjoyment is often a programmatic requirement for
Martis Camp homes. Integration into the architecture and/or site is an important consideration. This
can be achieved by including structural elements that visually ground the deck to the home or to
grade. Spindly or insignificant deck supports will not be approved.
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Roof design broken up to minimize impact |
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Simple low slope roof form |
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Creative roof form |
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Symmetry in roof design creates formality with strong mountain form |
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Simple roof forms sheltering full building |
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A stately formal roof composition |
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Roof forms that are shaped with the trees |
4 Detail
• Windows & Skylights
• Fire-Resistive Construction
• Refuse
• Sports Courts, Pools & Spas
• Lighting
• Fences & Site Walls
• Fireplaces & Fire Pits
• Mechanical Equipment
• Entry Gates & Address Markers
The journey of architectural excellence is completed with critical thought in the detailing.
Well conceived and thoughtfully executed detailing can make a good building great, but an otherwise
very good home will fall into the category of mediocrity should there be no continuum of followthrough
to complete the scheme by way of successfully integrated detailing.
As in the previous sections of this Handbook, there are few prescriptive notations in the pages
that follow; rather the responsibility for carrying out the intent of the language is placed with the
Architect for each project within MARTIS CAMP.
The following pages illustrate examples of approvable details MARTIS CAMP projects.
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Details are the essence of architecture |
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Details help focus |
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Details become memorable elements of homes |
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Details express artistry |
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Details can express a homes pure essence |
4.1 Windows & Skylights
Windows are an easily identifiable component of a building’s quality. As such, recognize
this is an inappropriate category for budget tightening.
Use windows and skylights that have scale and detailing appropriate to the architecture.
Where glazing may create undesired reflections on adjacent parcels or into the night sky, direction
will be provided to reduce the glass area, mitigate the presentation of the glass to those offsite. In
certain circumstances the use of sputtered anti-reflective glazing, or the addition of deep overhangs,
may be required to reduce the incidence of off-site reflectivity.
Do not use window products made of all vinyl or which have simulated divisions sandwiched only
between the glazing layers.
Window and skylight shapes should complement the architectural shapes in which they are located.
Skylights should be limited in quantity and size relative to the overall scale of the roof. Skylights
must have tinted, flat glazing that projects above the roof plane the least amount practical. Frames
shall complement the hue of the roofing, so as to provide the least contrast possible.
Avoid placing windows and skylights such that undesirable views of interior elements [mechanical
systems, storage areas, etc.] are presented to the exterior. Nighttime light pollution considerations
here are equally important.
Be considerate of others when proposing the use of patterned or obscured glazing, as these elements
can often increase the incidence of light pollution. While the visible use of stained glass depicting
images of scenery, wildlife, sports, etc. will likely not be approved, restrained use of architectural
stained glass may be acceptable in a building’s glazing.
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Window composition can be extremely diverse |
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Windows become the negative space of the composition |
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Windows can help set off the roof forms |
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Windows become the grammar of the exterior elevations |
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Windows can create interior intimacy or grandeur |
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Windows can express contemporary or traditional compositions |
4.2 Fire-Resistive Construction
Employ the use of fire-resistive construction techniques to reduce the potential that your
home could start or contribute to a structure or wild land fire.
All of us are aware of the sometimes-extreme fire danger that exists in the inter-mountain west.
When designing your project, always be cognizant of the dry conditions and high fire danger by
designing projects that respond to this concern. Design landscapes creating defensible space and
buildings using fire-resistive materials. All exterior cladding materials at Martis Camp must be
compatible with California’s Chapter 7a Building Code requirements for structures within WildlandUrban
Interface (WUI) areas.
No wood shakes or shingles of any kind may be used for any exterior covering [including roofing]
without the Truckee Fire Protection District’s prior approval and as otherwise listed on the California
State Fire Marshal’s WUI approved building materials list.
Wood siding or trim with bark attached cannot be used as siding. Instead consider the use of
stone, concrete, metal and other non-flammable products as ways to reduce the use of products that
contribute to the spread of fire.
On January 1, 2011, California instituted a new requirement for residential fire sprinklers in newly
constructed homes. Check with the Placer County building department for details.
4.3 Refuse
Thoughtful design of the ways we store garbage until collection will minimize impacts on
the region’s wildlife populations.
Design areas to temporarily store household garbage pending pick-up in such a way as to not attract
bears and other wildlife. This begins with the use of bear-resistant refuse containers.
Incorporate refuse enclosures into a structure—either the main building or an extension thereof and
preferably not visible from the roads or golf course. Ensure compliance with the then current version
of Placer County’s Bear-Resistant Enclosure Ordinances during the design and construction phase.
4.4 Sports Courts, Pools & Spas
Camp is equal parts recreation and relaxation. Due to their intense land-use needs,
carefully consider the need and likely use patterns prior to duplicating facilities existing
Sport courts, pools and outside spas may be allowed if they are successfully integrated into the
home’s site [and building] design concept. Consideration will be on a case-by-case basis where the
size of the property and the siting proposed for the court accommodates it well. These elements
should not appear to have been designed as afterthoughts and simply appended to the home.
Spas must contain an approved ASTM listed safety cover and must meet all other Placer County
Sports courts [tennis, basketball etc.] cannot include lighting for evening use. Pools and spas may
have underwater lighting as appropriate for safety as long as they do not create light pollution or light
4.5 Lighting
The ability for all to see an abundance of stars at night is one of the characteristics that
maintains a rural atmosphere. Minimize light pollution to maintain that view. Additionally,
be considerate of neighbors by minimizing light trespass onto their properties.
As required by Placer County ordinance and Conditions of Approval, design lighting systems to keep
the impact of lights within the limits of your property.
Exterior lighting will only be allowed within the Building envelope in areas where the fixtures serve
to light occupied areas of the home, such as a porch, walkway, patio or deck.
Light trespass is defined as the creation of a shadow from light fixtures [by way of the direct rays
from the lamp] onto a neighboring property. Design or specify exterior lighting fixtures to prohibit
this from occurring with the use of fully-shielded, downward-projecting fixtures.
Light pollution is the escape of light into the night sky. Cumulatively, this limits our ability to see the
nighttime sky clearly. Exterior light fixtures must be shielded to prohibit up-lighting.
Single instances of a fixture emitting a high level of unshielded light can negatively impact neighbors
across very long distances.
Additional concerns should be considered with glazing that allows excessive interior lighting to
escape--especially by way of well-illuminated garages and skylights receiving direct rays of interior
light fixtures. For these conditions, install window and skylight coverings to reduce the incidence of
light escaping after dark.
Safety and security lighting is allowed around the home and along driveways when believed to be
necessary. Motion sensor-activated fixtures with automatic shutoff after five minutes is required
to minimize offsite impacts from exterior security and safety lighting including any installed at
driveways. Where possible, maintain setbacks for all exterior-mounted fixtures that are at least 3
times the mounting height away from the property line. For example: a light fixture that is mounted
at 10 feet high should be at least 30 feet from a property line.
Consistent with Placer County Conditions regarding the use of exterior lighting at MARTIS CAMP,
landscape lighting may be employed where there is minimal impact to adjacent properties. Use the
minimum amount of light necessary and only light areas that require it.
Due to their unusual color effects, sodium and mercury vapor lights are not to be used outside of
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Sample light fixtures |
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Sample light fixtures |
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Sample light fixtures |
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Sample light fixtures |
4.6 Fences & Site Walls
Incorporate extensions of the architecture as that —not as afterthoughts.
Fences and / or site walls are allowed as long as they are designed to be complementary with the
masses and detailing for the structures.
No fence or site walls may delineate any portion of a property’s building setback lines or contain light
fixtures unless adjacent to an exterior living area.
In accordance with Placer County restrictions, no fences or site walls may be placed in the property’s
building setbacks.
An exception to the fencing regulations is permitted during construction when a 4-foot high dark
green or black Construction Zone and tree protection fencing, if applicable, must be erected and
maintained during the active period of construction.
4.7 Fireplaces & Fire Pits
Agreeing to the use of low emission fireplaces will contribute to the air quality of all property
owners living in the Martis Valley.
Placer County Ordinances limit the emissions from a property’s wood-burning devices to a total of 7.5
grams of particulates per hour regardless of the number of dwellings or structures. The County also
prohibits the installation of non-EPA Phase 2 certified wood burning devices.
All exterior fireplaces and fire pits shall be natural-gas burning. All interior wood-burning fireplaces
shall also be plumbed [roughed-in] for natural gas.
There are no limits to the number of natural-gas-only devices.
4.8 Mechanical Equipment
Give consideration to the architectural integration of utility meters, AC condensers and generators so
they do not appear as an afterthought. Check with the servicing utility providers for their specific
4.9 Entry Gates & Address Markers
If a gate is desired, it must be designed so as to be consistent with the project’s architecture
and also be located beyond the front setback. Address markers are also allowed within
limits of expression generally agreed to be acceptable near the roadway.
Entry gates can be approved on individual properties when placed on the home’s side of the front
building setback. There will be no standardized or project-wide criteria for gates, but they must be
designed in such a way so as not to project a strong visual image onto the roadway.
Keep gate architecture and any associated lighting understated as this is not the place to make an
imposing design statement. Keep such devices low and complementary to the rest of the project.
Materials and colors must be chosen carefully. Also, keep in mind that these elements should be
designed as vehicular control items, not with gates so dense so as to control pedestrians or completely
block views through the gate.
Address markers are allowed to subtly identify the street address of the property. Limited amounts
of standardized design criteria are available to Owners who wish to provide address markers
near the roadway. With exceptional design qualities, address markers may be constructed to be
complementary to the design of the remainder of the project while providing way-finding assistance
to those on the road. Address markers will generally be limited to four feet high and may not create
strong contrasts other than that required for numerals versus their background.
Gate structures and address markers may be combined where desired. Gates and markers may not
incorporate artistic expressions beyond that of the architecture of the structures. Architecture
Review maintains the right to disapprove designs for gates or address markers not believed to be in
compliance with these requirements.
Ensure the design of any gate and address markers has been approved by the Truckee Fire Protection
5 - Construction Regulations
• Vehicle Access
• Traffic/Parking
• Equipment Operations & Parking
• Material Deliveries
• Construction Debris
• Concrete Waste Management
• Excavating, Excess Material & Blasting
• Archaeological & Paleontological Resources
• Dust & Noise
• Temporary Power
• Work Hours
• Temporary Toilets
• Alcohol, Controlled Substances & Firearms
• Fires, Flammable Materials & Fire Extinguishers
• Site Visits
• Pets
• Construction Trailers & Materials Storage
• Signs
MARTIS CAMP is located in a spectacular natural setting. Environmental stewardship
is one of the essential elements of this community; therefore the impacts associated with the
construction process must be minimized through a carefully planned and well-executed set
of construction standards. The following standards will be enforced during construction
of all residential projects at MARTIS CAMP. These standards are designed to protect all
Property Owners, the recreation experience and the existing natural environment.
5.1 Vehicle Access
Before starting any residential construction activity at MARTIS CAMP, all contractors must meet
with Security staff to provide descriptions of cars and trucks that may need access to the project’s
site. No person or vehicle will be able to travel past the MARTIS CAMP entry gate until the
requested information has been received and the vehicle’s Pass has been issued. The MARTIS CAMP
Architecture Review staff or the Security staff may require proof of vehicle insurance as a condition
of entry. Pass holders may only travel to properties noted on the Pass. Security staff may deny entry
into MARTIS CAMP to any Pass holder who violates the provisions of the CC&Rs, Architecture
Handbook or any other Community Association rule.
5.2 Traffic/Parking
Safety is paramount at MARTIS CAMP. Security staff will enforce traffic regulations and parking
rules at MARTIS CAMP. A summary of the rules are printed on MARTIS CAMP vehicle passes. A
detailed description of traffic rules may be obtained at the Entrance Gate. Modifications to the rules
and regulations may be made at any time.
Property Owners, their guests and agents [including family members, contractors, subcontractors,
suppliers, architects, employees, etc.] are required to follow all Vehicle Safety Rules. The
General Contractor in charge of a specific project is responsible for the actions of the Pass holders
[construction crew members, sub-contractors, suppliers, etc.] but will not be responsible for their
traffic-related fines.
All persons entering MARTIS CAMP must obey the Vehicle Safety Rules. Violations may result in
fines and the temporary suspension of the privilege to drive in MARTIS CAMP. In the event of a
Vehicle Safety Rule violation, one warning may be given for minor infractions before a fine will be
imposed or driving privileges temporarily suspended.
MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review or another committee will review and take action on all
Security staff recommendations for fines or suspensions of driving privileges. Vehicle Safety Rule
violators may submit written evidence to the Committee as to why they believe they are not in
violation of a Vehicle Safety Rule. Decisions of MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review are final. Fines
for traffic and parking violations and enforcement procedures may be changed at any time.
5.3 Equipment Operations & Parking
Construction crews may not park on or use areas outside of the project’s Construction Zone, on
commonly-owned areas or in areas identified as open space. All vehicles must be parked in the
approved driveway and turnaround areas. If construction vehicles cannot be kept inside of the
Construction Zone, overflow parking may occur along the edge of the roadway during construction
hours. Vehicles may only park on one side of the road with all tires on the paved area.
It is important to preserve normal traffic flow including snow removal equipment and emergency
vehicles. Construction vehicles may not park on neighboring properties, driveways, common areas,
open space or along any road adjacent to occupied homes. If the road is not wide enough to facilitate
on-street parking near the construction site, crews may need to park further away where the road is
wider. Parking on the shoulder of the road is not allowed.
Contractors who demonstrate hardship in meeting parking requirements may apply for a Construction
Variance to ease parking difficulties. However, not all sites will be able to accommodate alternate
parking arrangements and MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review has authority to require mitigation
on those sites that are approved for alternate parking arrangements. Performing vehicle maintenance
is not allowed unless the vehicle is disabled such that its operation is unsafe. In that case the vehicle
must be towed to an offsite repair facility.
Intentional or unintentional discharge of fluids is not allowed. Vehicles leaking fluids may not be
brought into MARTIS CAMP. Vehicles that are leaking fluids may be refused entry or requested to
be taken off MARTIS CAMP property until it is proven that it has been repaired.
Heavy equipment must have a means of absorption or containment of leaking fluids underneath
whenever the equipment is not in use. At the end of the work day, all construction equipment must
be parked within the Construction Zone. Overnight storage of heavy equipment and vehicles is only
permitted on active construction sites where construction activity using the equipment is ongoing
5.4 Material Deliveries
All building materials, equipment and machinery required for construction must be delivered to
and remain within the Construction Zone of each property, clear of all setbacks. This includes
building materials, earth-moving equipment, generators, mixers, cranes and any other equipment or
machinery that will remain at the project site overnight.
Material delivery vehicles may not drive across setbacks [except via the construction access], adjacent
properties, common areas or golf course property to access a construction site or provide deliveries in
a road or right-of-way.
5.5 Construction Debris
Contractors are responsible to clean up all construction debris at the end of each work day. A
commercial dumpster must remain on project site during all phases of active construction. Please
locate all dumpsters in the Construction Zone. If it is shown that a construction site cannot
accommodate a dumpster, alternative arrangements may be made by contacting Architecture Review.
Refuse receptacles must be emptied at least weekly. Disposal must be at a legal offsite facility.
Owners and Contractors are prohibited from dumping, burying or burning construction debris
anywhere within MARTIS CAMP. Heavy objects, such as stone, steel, heavy timbers, etc., must be
removed from the site and legally disposed of upon completion of the work of each trade that has
generated the debris.
During construction, each site must be kept neat and be properly monitored to prevent it from
becoming an eyesore for neighbors, the golf course, common area or open space. Clean-up costs
incurred by the MARTIS CAMP Community Association or Architecture Review in enforcing these
requirements shall be reimbursed by the Contractor or subtracted from the Construction Deposit.
Dirt, mud or debris resulting from activity on each construction site must be removed daily from
roadways, open spaces and driveways or other portions of MARTIS CAMP.
5.6 Concrete Waste Management
All waste from the cleaning of concrete equipment [mixers, delivery trucks, line pumps and boom
trucks] must occur in the concrete truck-based reclaiming system or a recycling bin and legally
disposed of off-site.
5.7 Excavating, Excess Material & Blasting
Excess material resulting from blasting as well as all other excess excavation materials must be
removed from the project site and be legally disposed. Temporary storage of these materials must
occur within the Construction Zone.
Blasting must follow strict procedures. The Contractor must indicate on the Blasting Notification
application the specific date, time, location and extent of proposed blasting.
The Contractor must submit the completed and signed Blasting Notification application to
Architectural Review at least two working days in advance of the scheduled blasting. The Contractor
is also responsible for obtaining appropriate approvals from Placer County and any other governing
agency. Architectural Review maintains authority to deny or delay blasting operations for good
Blasting may only be performed by licensed personnel, with all requisite insurance coverage as
required by government ordinances specific to the proposed blasting activity. MARTIS CAMP
Architecture Review has the authority to require a pre-blast survey and written documentation of
anticipated seismic effects on improvements of all adjoining properties, with confirmation that such
effects will not be injurious to other persons or properties, public or private and that all appropriate
protection measures have been utilized.
5.8 Archaeological & Paleontological Resources
If any paleontological resources, archeological artifacts, exotic, non-native rock, shells or unusual
amounts of bone are uncovered during construction activity, all work on the project site must stop
immediately and a qualified paleontologist or archeologist must be retained by the Owner [at their
cost] to evaluate the finding. Should either occur, the Owner is required to contact Placer County for
additional instructions prior to proceeding with further activity.
5.9 Dust & Noise
The Contractor is responsible for controlling dust and noise generated from their construction site,
including the removal of dirt and mud from road ways and rights-of-way daily that is the result of
construction activity on the property.
Contractors must cover stock-piled materials and provide sufficient watering to eliminate any fugitive
dust. Consider the requirement to eliminate dust from leaving the project site during periods of
inactivity as well as during construction operations.
The use of audio equipment must not be audible beyond the property lines, especially adjacent to the
Golf Course or other common parcels and occupied homes. Repeated violations may result in fines
and prohibition of any use of any audio equipment during construction.
5.10 Temporary Power
Existing power supplies must be used when available. Do not use generators unless power service
is unable to be provided by the power company. Due to noise concerns, fuel-powered generators
should never be used when there is an existing power source on site. Power lines shall be placed
underground at the earliest possible opportunity.
5.11 Work Hours
Construction work is allowed weekdays between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. between March 1 and
October 31. During the months of November through February, construction is allowed from 7:00
a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Construction activity which is not disruptive and which does not generate excessive noise may be
extended by one hour in the evenings and on Saturdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Excessive noise is defined as activities that generate noise audible from off site such as heavy
equipment operation, hammering, power sawing, concrete delivery, compressor-generated tools, etc.
Quiet outdoor construction activities such as hand landscaping, activity within an enclosed structure,
hand-painting and staining is permitted on Saturdays. Construction [including landscaping by
anyone other than the Property Owner] is not permitted on Sundays.
There are several days each year when construction may be restricted due to holidays or community
events. The MARTIS CAMP Community Association will establish dates for these holidays,
community events and special occasions each year. Contractors will be notified in advance of these
occasions and are responsible for restricting work as required on their sites on these days.
5.12 Temporary Toilets
Contractors are responsible for providing adequate sanitation facilities for all workers and visitors to
their project site at all times until Final Release is requested in writing. Temporary toilets must be
located within the Construction Zone.
Owners wishing to keep a temporary toilet on the project site after Final Release may make special
arrangements to do so by requesting such from Architecture Review.
5.13 Alcohol, Controlled Substances & Firearms
The consumption of alcohol or the use of a non-prescription or illegal controlled substance by any
construction personnel anywhere on MARTIS CAMP property is prohibited.
The possession or use of any type of firearm anywhere within MARTIS CAMP is prohibited.
5.14 Fires, Flammable Materials & Fire Extinguishers
Fires are only allowed for equipment designed to heat space, masonry water, roofing products,
plumbing fittings, etc. Careless disposal of cigarettes and other flammable materials as well as the
build-up of potentially flammable materials constituting a fire hazard is prohibited.
A minimum of two 10-pound 4A / 20BC rated dry chemical fire extinguishers must be displayed in
a conspicuous place on each project site at all times in addition to requirements of the Truckee Fire
Protection District. Additional restrictions may be imposed during periods of high fire danger.
5.15 Site Visits
Visitors to project sites are limited to those persons with official business relating to the construction
activity, such as construction workers and trades people, architect’s staff, building officials, Security
staff, Architecture Review staff Board of Directors, sales personnel and the property Owner[s] and
their family. There can be no invitations extended to non-owner friends or family.
5.16 Pets
No pets, except for disability-assisting dogs, may be brought onto the property by anyone other than
the Owner. If the Owner brings a pet to the site, it must be properly contained within the property
or leashed when taken beyond the property lines.
5.17 Construction Trailers & Materials Storage
Temporary buildings for offices or material storage shall not be used for any kind of advertising.
Material storage shall be as orderly as practical. Placement and appearance of all trailers and storage
containers must be approved in advance by Architecture Review.
5.18 Signs
One temporary construction sign is allowed per property during active periods of construction. The
visible area of the sign face may not exceed 10 square feet. The sign must be placed parallel to the
Contact Architecture Review for design specifications [materials, colors, etc.] and installation
requirements [placement, maximum height, etc.] prior to designing, fabricating or installing a
temporary project sign.
6 Construction Procedures
• Orientation
• Pre-Construction Meeting
• Construction Requirements
• Insurance
• Site Preparation
• Compliance Deposit
• Permission To Begin Construction
• Beginning Construction
• Change of Contractor
• Completion of Construction
• Construction Schedules
• Construction Variances
• Observation & Enforcement
• Exterior Materials & Colors
• Change Requests
• Notification of Completion & Final Release
• Conditioned Final Release
To establish and maintain clear communication for projects in the construction phase,
communication shall be conducted between Architecture Review and the General Contractor.
The Architect will need to remain involved in the project to provide services for Exterior
Color and Materials approvals, any Change Requests, Design Variance Requests and
Record Drawings.
6.1 Orientation
Prior to beginning construction, the General Contractor must meet with Architecture Review for an
Orientation to review the then current construction regulations and procedures. Contractors need to
attend only one Orientation—it is not necessary to repeat the review for subsequent projects. Contact
the MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review office to schedule a time for an Orientation.
6.2 Pre-Construction Meeting
The Pre-Construction Meeting may be combined with an Orientation when practical. This meeting
is necessary for each project so that proposed construction activities can be coordinated and
tailored to the specific site. The Contractor must bring a full set of the approved and permitted
plans so locations for major construction equipment and activity may be agreed on and recorded by
Architecture Review and the Contractor. Locations for refuse containers, temporary toilets, materials
storage, construction trailers, staging and vegetation protection fencing will be among the items
6.3 Construction Requirements
After Final Design Approval has been granted by the MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review, a PreConstruction
Package consisting of the documentation and MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review
forms listed below must be submitted in full at the Pre-Construction Conference. As the Owner’s
agent, the Contractor must provide a complete package as a prerequisite to obtaining permission to
begin construction.
Construction Checklist:
• A Completed Pre-Construction Information Form.
• Proof of Final Design Approval from Architecture Review.
• Copy of Approved Final Design Plans.
• Copy of California Contractor’s License.
• $10,000 Contractor Deposit.
• Second half of Architecture Review Fees - $5,000 for Estate parcels, $3,000 for Cabin sites
• Copy of General Liability Insurance Certificate
• Minimum $2 million General Liability Insurance naming Owner and Declarant as Additional Insureds.
• Proof of Workers’ Compensation Insurance or Exemption.
• Copy of Placer County Building Department Permit or a copy of the submitted application. A copy of the Permit must be submitted to Architecture Review no later than one month after Permission to Begin Construction is granted.
• Site staked and prepared properly.
• Identification Sign [optional]. The location of the sign should be noted on the Site Plan.
• Vehicle Access List - A list of all vehicles and personnel accessing the property along with proof of insurance submitted to Security.
• Notify Architecture Review when the Pre-Construction checklist is complete to arrange an onsite meeting.
6.4 Insurance
Prior to beginning construction General Contractors must provide evidence of insurance which
must remain in force through all phases of the project. Provide a Certificate of Insurance naming
both the Owner and MARTIS CAMP Community Association and related entities as certificate
holders. Insurance must provide coverage not less than the applicable limits of coverage relating to
comprehensive general liability, automobile liability and workers’ compensation.
The minimum limits are $2,000,000 per incident for general liability. Automobile and workers’
compensation liability must have a minimum of $1,000,000 per incident. General liability coverage
must contain provisions for contractual liability and broad-form property damage. The certificate
shall provide for a 30-day notice to the certificate holders in case of cancellation or material change in
the limits of coverage.
6.5 Site Preparation
Prior to beginning any part of construction, staking and site preparation must be complete and
include the following:
• Limit access to areas within the Construction Zone with black 4-foot high protection fencing.
• Stake and string all building setbacks.
• Elements to be saved within the Construction Zone protected including tree root protection.
• Best Management Practices installed.
• Fire extinguishers provided.
• Flag and temporarily protect all vegetation to be transplanted.
• Flag trees to be removed.
• Construction access marked and fenced.
• Utility trench location staked and fenced.
• Building footprint staked, strung and labeled.
• Paving limits staked and strung.
• Temporary toilet location indicated.
• Construction office [if applicable] location indicated.
• Materials storage site[s] indicated.
• Dumpster location indicated.
6.6 Compliance Deposit
To insure compliance with the rules set forth in the Architecture Handbook and the CC&Rs, the
Contractor must post a deposit of $10,000 for each property in the construction phase. The deposit is
required as a prerequisite for permission to begin construction.
The Contractor shall provide the deposit to the title or escrow company chosen by the Association
and shall make the check payable to MARTIS CAMP Association Compliance Escrow Account.
The Contractor shall execute the escrow agreement providing that funds from the Compliance Escrow
Account shall be released to the Association to the extent necessary to [a] cover any fines or penalties
charged to the Contractor by the Association due to the Contractor’s violation of the Architecture
Handbook or CC&Rs or [b] remedy damage to any common area, open space, golf course, roads,
rights-of-way or infrastructure caused by the Contractor.
The deposit will be returned without interest to the Contractor who posted the deposit upon Final
Release less fines levied for items in noncompliance with the CC&Rs, Community Association rules
[including traffic and parking regulations] or if deviations from the approved Final Design occurred.
6.7 Permission To Begin Construction
Permission to begin construction will generally be granted during the Pre-Construction Meeting
unless outstanding pre-construction items are not in compliance. A Pre-Construction Agreement
must be signed by the Contractor and Architecture Review. The date on this Agreement will be
noted as the Commencement of Construction unless the Contractor requests an alternate start date.
The Contractor must begin construction within one year of the pre-construction approval date. If the
Contractor fails to begin construction within this time period, approval will be revoked. If approval
is revoked, the Contractor must resubmit the Pre-Construction Package and reapply for Permission
to Begin Construction under any new requirements that may have been enacted since the original
permission date. The MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review or a representative may inspect the
property at any time to ensure the pre-construction preparations remain in place as approved.
6.8 Beginning Construction
Upon receipt of permission to begin construction and after having satisfied all applicable Placer
County review and permit processes, the Contractor may begin construction of the work pursuant to
the approved plans.
Temporary toilets, refuse containers, fire extinguishers and any required temporary infrastructure
must be on site on the day any construction activity has occurred or as noted differently in the PreConstruction
Agreement. Additionally, within the first seven days, the driveway must be underlain
with filter cloth and a base course of minimum 1.5” diameter washed gravel installed.
6.9 Change of Contractor
If, during the course of construction, the Owner changes the Contractor of Record, Architecture
Review must receive a letter from the Owner requesting this change. The letter must include the
name and telephone number of the Contractor who will assume responsibility for the project.
The Contractor to assume responsibility must attend a Pre-Construction Orientation, provide revised
Pre-Construction documents including a $10,000 deposit and meet with Architecture Review
to discuss specific items pertaining to the project. The incoming Contractor must sign a PreConstruction
Agreement before responsibility for the project is released from the outgoing Contractor.
The remaining deposit will be returned to the party providing the deposit after the incoming
Contractor has signed a Pre-Construction Agreement and posted the deposit.
6.10 Completion of Construction
The Contractor shall complete construction of all improvements within 36 months after beginning,
except when completion is impossible or would result in hardship to the Owner due to labor
strikes, fires, national emergencies or natural calamities. If legitimate circumstances arise such
that construction activity will need to exceed the 36-month limit, or if Final Release has not been
requested within this time period, an alternate construction schedule must be arranged by way of a
Construction Variance.
If the Contractor fails to comply with this schedule, if diligent pursuit of the work is not evident
or if the project site is abandoned for a period of four weeks or a cumulative period of four weeks
during any eight-week span without an approved Alternative Construction schedule, Architecture
Review, after 30 days written notification to the Owner, may take corrective action. This corrective
action may include having the exterior improvements completed in accordance with the approved
plans or the improvement may be removed and the property restored to its preconstruction condition
to the greatest degree possible. All costs relating to the completion or removal shall be borne and
reimbursed to MARTIS CAMP by the Owner, to be secured by a continuing lien on the homesite.
To be considered an active construction site, crews must be present and must also have a refuse
container, a temporary toilet, fire extinguishers, correctly placed vegetation protection fencing and
applicable temporary Best Management Practices in place. All properties must be winterized if work
is suspended during periods of October 15 through April 30.
6.11 Construction Schedules
Contractors wishing to install a foundation in the fall and not return to the site to begin framing until
spring must make special arrangements with Architecture Review to ensure that the site is properly
winterized, will not be permanently abandoned and help defray monitoring costs associated with
neatly closing and properly restarting the construction phase. Projects, which for legitimate reasons
are unable to be completed within the given time frame, must also make these arrangements.
These arrangements include an increased deposit of an additional $2,000 to cover costs related to
restoration activities in the event of site abandonment. Temporary Best Management Practices must
be in place and maintained throughout the winter months regardless of the construction activity
status of the project.
6.12 Construction Variances
If construction cannot be legitimately completed within the standards set forth in the Construction
Regulations, the Contractor may apply for a Construction Variance in writing to Architecture Review.
6.13 Observation & Enforcement
Architecture Review and Security will regularly observe work in progress and give Notices of
Noncompliance when applicable. The Notice of Noncompliance will usually be associated with a fine
as described in the Fine Schedule.
The Owner and Contractor are responsible for violations of the Architecture Handbook, CC&Rs and
other Association rules by all parties involved in the construction on the Owner’s property. As the
designated contact and agent for the Owner during the construction phase, the General Contractor
is responsible for making sure all parties, including subcontractors, suppliers and crew, abide by
the rules in place. All Notices of Non-Compliance for construction activity will be directed to the
General Contractor, who bears responsibility for all construction-related persons entering MARTIS
CAMP on behalf of their project. A copy of the Notice of Noncompliance will be provided to the
Property Owner, who also bears responsibility.
Architecture Review will review Notices of Noncompliance. Owners and Contractors may submit
written evidence to Architecture Review prior to such reviews that they are not in violation of
the rules. All decisions of Architecture Review are final subject to rights under the law. In lieu of
this process, the Association Board of Directors may establish an alternative fine and enforcement
procedure on a case-by-case basis.
Warnings may be given for less-serious breaches of the rules. Violations will be subject to the
fines and other corrective action. These fines and actions may be imposed by the MARTIS CAMP
Community Association or Architecture Review and its agents. Fines double for each successive
similar or uncured violation, regardless of any third party involvement, such as a subcontractor.
In the event of an egregious or flagrant violation, Architecture Review or the Association may impose
a fine of up to ten times the penalties listed in the Fine Schedule.
The MARTIS CAMP Community Association and its agents may at any time, including after
issuance of a Final Release, take corrective action including, but not limited to, issuance of Notice
of Noncompliance and fines, entering the site to correct the problem, issuing a Notice of NonCompliance,
a Stop Work Order, ordering mitigation measures or enforcement by any proceeding at
law or as otherwise allowed under the law.
Absence of such inspection or Notice of Noncompliance during the construction period does not
constitute an approval by Architecture Review of work in progress or compliance with these
6.14 Exterior Materials & Colors
All materials and colors of any structure must be approved via a comprehensive onsite mockup prior
to ordering, delivery or installation. This procedure involves advance planning and the involvement
of the Architect, the Contractor and Architecture Review.
6.15 Change Requests
The Contractor must build the home per the approved Final plans approved by Architecture Review.
Deviations from these plans visible from outside of the home or the addition of heated livable square
footage inside the structure[s] must be requested and approved by Architecture Review prior to the
implementation of the changes.
To expedite the construction process, many minor changes can be handled administratively by
Architecture Review with the necessary documentation to follow by the Architect. Failure to follow
the Change Request procedures may result in penalties. Fines levied against the Contractor’s deposit
for unapproved changes do not constitute approval and must be submitted for review to Architecture
Review as part of a Change Request procedure. In the event a change is not approved, the structure
must be re-built as approved in the Final Design. Fines and Change Request fees can not be refunded.
6.16 Notification of Completion & Final Release
Upon completion of a project, the Contractor shall give written notice of completion to the MARTIS
CAMP Architecture Review via the Notification of Completion form.
As part of the notification of completion process, Architecture Review shall be provided with a set of
11x17 inch Record Drawings providing a representation of what was constructed on the property.
A representative of the MARTIS CAMP Architecture Review will observe the project site for
compliance. During the Final Release process, the Record Drawings will be checked for accuracy
against what is observed as built on the property. Record Drawings must reflect the Final Design
approved including any approved Change Requests. Discrepancies are subject to a Notice of
Noncompliance and associated fines may be deducted from the Construction Deposit on an item-byitem
Unapproved changes may need to be rebuilt as originally approved. If all improvements comply
with the Architecture Handbook, Architecture Review may issue a written approval to the Owner,
constituting a Final Release. The Final Release will be issued within two weeks of the final inspection
and will be followed shortly thereafter with the remaining balance of the construction deposit and a
Certificate of Compliance. A Final Release is a prerequisite for obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy
from Placer County.
If work was not in compliance with the Final approved plans, Architecture Review may issue a
written Notice of Noncompliance to the Owner, specifying the particulars of noncompliance. This
Notice will be issued within 30 days of the final inspection.
The Owner will generally have 30 days from the date of Notice of Noncompliance to remedy noncomplying
portions of the project. If, by the end of this time period the Owner has failed to remedy
the noncompliance, Architecture Review may take action to remedy or remove the non-complying
improvements. If Architecture Review fails to issue a Final Release and also fails to issue a Notice
of Noncompliance to the Owner within 30 days receipt of the Contractor’s completed Notification
of Completion form, the improvements shall be deemed to be in compliance with plans as approved
by Architecture Review. The remaining balance of the construction deposit will be returned and a
Certificate of Compliance issued. Architecture Review retains jurisdiction over the improvements for
enforcement purposes even after issuance of a Final Release.
6.17 Conditioned Final Release
Architecture Review may grant a Conditioned Final Release for a property in the event required
improvements necessary for Final Release cannot be completed due to inclement weather, seasonal
considerations or other unforeseeable events. A Conditioned Final Release will provide for a
Certificate of Occupancy from Placer County prior to receiving Final Release and a Certificate of
An estimate of the cost to complete the work signed by the Contractor and a deposit for 150 percent
of the estimate must be submitted to Architecture Review. These funds will be held in addition to
the remaining Compliance Deposit. Final Release will be given [along with the return of both the
standard and the additional Compliance Deposit] after verification of completion of the remaining
7 - Cabin Communities
Along the central spine of park amenities which stretches through the heart of Martis Camp are
situated several distinctive neighborhoods which have been designated as Cabin Communities.1
The properties comprising these enclaves are on average about one-fourth the size of those of the
community at large. Unlike the larger properties which afford separation and seclusion, parcels in
the Cabin Communities offer a unique aspect of sociability resulting from their proximity. These
properties are also within walking distance of diverse recreational activities throughout the parks.
7.1 Design Considerations
The Owners of Cabin properties will enjoy, for the most part, the same freedom of design
afforded to Owners of Estate parcels at Martis Camp.
Consequently, the “Review Principles” and twelve “Elements of Composition” imparted by Section
One of this Handbook are applicable to Cabin properties as well. QUALITY OF DESIGN REMAINS
Likewise, most of the preceding design provisions of Sections One through Six, along with many of
their accompanying illustrations continue to apply to these Cabins.
The remainder of this Section will identify the adjustments of scale essential to the Cabins in response
to their greater visibility, reduced building envelopes and proximity to other properties and public
7.2 Site Parameters
Most concepts in items 2.5 through 2.14 of Section Two remain applicable to these Cabin properties as well.
Minimum building setbacks for each Cabin property are noted in the Development Notebook Sheets.
Generally, they correspond to the following principles - please note the flexibility feature relating to side
- 30 feet along all street frontages;
- 20 feet along rear property lines, AND other property lines which abut the putting course, the golf course and parks and other public uses;
- 40 feet* minimum sum of side setbacks.
*The sum of both side setbacks shall be 40 feet or more; but no side setback shall be less than 15 feet.
This provision permits flexibility in the siting of each Cabin; further, the variation in the separation
between Cabins along a streetscape/parkscape becomes an added benefit.
7.3 Appropriate Scale
Constraints on building mass and volume have been adapted to achieve the appropriate scale between a
Cabin and its site, AND between each Cabin and the human activity of nearby parks and public uses.
Heated floor area shall not exceed 3,250 square feet for Cabins. Cabins must also comply with Placer
County building coverage requirements which limit the square footage for all areas under roof
i.e. garages, carports, covered decks, etc. For more information please see Placer County Zoning
Ordinance 17.54.100.
Please note that Item 2.3 is NOT APPLICABLE to these compact Cabin properties. An owner may
choose to combine two or more adjacent Cabin lots into a single parcel, for the purpose of broader siting
flexibility or greater separation around the home, but the maximum heated floor area for the resultant
parcel remains 3,250 square feet.
As Cabin lots are less than an acre in size, current County ordinances limit the maximum heated floor
area of a guest house with a kitchen to 640 square feet, [which counts toward the permitted maximum
of 3,250 square feet], and will require that it be physically connected to the primary residence, or be
integrated into a detached accessory building, such as a garage. Further, it must meet all other Placer
County requirements including, but not limited to, parking.
The height of Cabin structures will generally be limited to 28 feet above original/natural grade. At the
discretion of Architecture Review, an element of the structure [such as a tower element or a vista loft]
may extend to a height of 32 feet when tastefully incorporated as a feature element of an exemplary
design. The planar area of such an element will generally be limited to ten percent of the home’s floor
7.4 Review Fee For Cabins
The Architecture Review fee for Cabin parcels is currently $6,000.
For cabins, the first half of this fee will be collected at the Concept Review Meeting (see item 1.3.3);
the second half will be collected at the beginning of the Construction Phase (see item 1.3.6).
Should a project not continue from the Design Phase into Construction, the second half of the fee will
not be collected. There will be no refund of fees paid for projects that begin, but do not finish, either
the Design Phase or the Construction Phase.
7.5 Speaking of Architects
A well-crafted sailboat is a thing of beauty – that creative blending of utility and simple
elegance into a comfortable living environment of limited volume.
On an expanded scale, the Architect for a Cabin property seeks the same result – a home which “...
exchanges space for soul,” to paraphrase architect and author Sarah Susanka. And while almost any
Architect would relish the challenge to try, it takes the special insights borne from years of practice
to bring it off successfully. We encourage each owner of a Cabin property to seek out a “seasoned”
Architect to tackle the exciting task of shaping their dreams into note-perfect reality.
Cabins will not be look-alikes. To the contrary, each owner is afforded the opportunity to explore a
variety of mountain appropriate architecture so designs within each neighborhood may be as unique
as the owners themselves. However, hand-in-hand with this freedom of choice, goes the obvious quid
pro quo of neighborly acceptance of the differing design tastes of others.
Martis Camp Cabin Communities present an extraordinary opportunity to create truly remarkable
neighborhoods of diverse, well-crafted mountain architecture.
7.6 Recommended Reading
“Comfort is born of smaller scale and beautiful detail.”
— Architect Sarah Susanka
In response to the growing appeal and quest for the “little jewel” - that welcoming, cozy, beautifully
crafted and elegantly appointed smaller home - a number of excellent resource books have been published:
The Cabin Book, by Linda Leigh Paul ($5)
The Not So Big House, by Architect Sarah Susanka ($22.47)
A Pattern Language, by Architect Christopher Alexander, et al. ($37.44)
The Cabin - Inspiration for the Classic American Getaway, by Dale Mulfinger and Susan E. Davis ($29.41)
The New American Cottage - Innovations in Small-scale Residential Architecture, edited by James
Grayson Trulove and Il Kim ($36.95)
8 - Beautiful Mountain Homes Photos
Location Lake Tahoe, California
Area 3,250 Square feet
Bedrooms 4
Baths 4.5
Garage Two cars and additional golf cart garage
Designer Kelly and Stone Architects
Builder Glennwood Mountain Homes
Location Lake Tahoe, California
Area 4,398 Square feet
Bedrooms 5
Baths 5.5
Designer Kelly & Stone Architects
Builder Greenwood Homes
The massive window doors in living room slide out and unite the outdoors with the indoors. There are sweeping beautiful scenes from the patio deck area toward the Sierra Crest mountain ridge. Yet pleased and inspired as you’d be with the exciting visual play continually and variedly taking place around this beautiful home, its exterior design beauty is so riveting that surrounding nature itself stands in awe of this amazing mountain modern masterpiece.
This beautiful home is intimate, yet ideal for people who like to entertain. Exposed I-beams, Castelcombe wood stunning flooring, alder cabinets and Snake River Ledgestone exterior elements provide beautiful composition with black patina metal and cedar.
Location Lake Tahoe, California
Area 8,227 Square feet
Bedrooms 5
Baths 7
Designer MWA Architecture
Builder Scott Wallstrom - Sunco homes
Location Lake Tahoe, California
Area 5,212 Square feet
Bedrooms 5
Baths 6.5
Designer Mountain Concepts
Builder Rinnovo Group
9 - Martis Camp contact, Lake Tahoe, California
Address Martis Camp Realty, Inc., 12000 Lodgetrail Dr, Truckee, CA 96161
Phone 800.721.9005
10 - Beautiful Mountain Homes Architects and Designers Contacts
10.1 Kelly and Stone Architects - Colorado (Steamboat Springs), California (Truckee)
Address 465 Anglers Dr., Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
Phone (970) 875-0590
Address 11209 Brockway Rd, Suite 211, Truckee, CA 96161
Phone (530) 214-8896
10.2 MWA Architects - California (San Francisco, Oakland), Oregon (Portland)
Address 655 Montgomery Street, #1720, San Francisco, California 94111
Phone 415-957-2750
Address 70 NW Couch Street, #401, Portland, Oregon 97209
Phone 503-973-5151
Address 555 12th Street, #110, Oakland, California 97607
Phone 510-287-9710
10.3 Mountain Concepts - California (Truckee)
Address Mountain Concepts, LLC, 12277 Soaring Way, Truckee, CA 96161, USA
Phone 530.587.3224
11 - Mountain Homes Builders Contacts
11.1 Greenwood Homes - Nevada (Incline Village)
Address Greenwood Homes, Inc., 940 Southwood Blvd. Suite 101, Incline Village, Nevada 89451
Phone 775.831.0188
11.2 Sunco Homes - California (Truckee)
Address Scott Wallstrom, P.O Box 867, Truckee, CA 96160
Phone 530-587-7282
11.3 Rinnovo Group - California (El Dorado Hills)
Address 3941 Park Drive. 20-124, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762, USA
Phone +1 916-941-6498